関ヶ原の戦い Battle of Sekigahara

Summary of Battle of Sekigahara❷

Hideyoshi Toyotomi②                  Japanese

  Hideyoshi was a ladies' man and is said to have always kept at least twenty concubines.
  However, Hideyoshi had few children between his wife and concubines. With Kitanomandokoro(his wife) there were no children, and he had three sons and one daughter with concubines Minamidono and Yodo.
  For this reason Hideyoshi is described as being a “seedless watermelon”, The father of the child with Yodo is also said to be Osamu Ono or Mitsunari Ishida.

  In 1591 heir of Turumatsu died, then Hideyoshi adopted his child Hidetugu, the nephew, and was inaugurated as the chief adviser to the Emperor. However, when hideyori was born in 1593, Hidetugu gradually didn’t get along with Hideyoshi.
  In 1595, Hidetsugu committed seppuku after he was suspected of treason against Hideyoshi. and his vassals were punished.
  His head was displayed for the public at Sanjo-gawara Riverside and his family and concubines were executed there. Moreover many of Hidetsugu’s vassals forfeited their positions and properties

  To overcome the political crisis brought about by this incident, Hideyoshi forced the daimyos to submit documents promising loyalty to Hideyori.
  In 1599 Hideyoshi was planning a large-scale military movement in Mins and Korea.  During the prior spring Hideyoshi held flower viewing at Daigo temple in Kyo, where he fell ill.
  The illness of Hideyoshi was so serious that he was prepared for death. Hideyoshi established a collegial system to give advice to Hideyori it was conducted by the Gotairos Ieyasu Tokugawa and Toshiie Maeda, the Gobugyos Nagamasa Asano and Mitunari Ishida. They promise to support his son, until Hideyori became an adult.
  This was in order to prevent Ieyasu Tokugawa taking liberty, Toshiie Maeda was suited to the important status as the role of overseer.

  In October of 1598, Hideyoshi died and the following year Toshiie Maeda died in April. The Battle of Sekigahara, represented the history movement of Japan with the extinction of the Toyotomi family clan.

